![Reicine Ceer Reicine Ceer](https://images.evetech.net/characters/954251494/portrait?size=64)
Reicine Ceer
Deep Core Mining Inc. Caldari State
Posted - 2014.12.11 14:11:09 -
[1] - Quote
DaReaper wrote:
1) Take a guess as to what the next release cycle might be called.
2) state what you would love to see in the jan release, no matter how crazy
3) make a realistic stab at what you think might actually be coming
4) make a stab crazy or otherwise, as to what 2015 will hold for eve/new eden.
1) Part of me wonders if perhaps there'll be linked names to things/ships/etc within the game; "Rhea" for example could lead to another release called "Ibis" (which'd also fit with your Egyptian suggestion).
2) a) Cometary mining, where you gotta keep up! Must first scan it down, and then once you're within say, 2AU, you can pick it up on your OV as an object to warp to. After that, afterburners on and start mining!
b) Planetary Ring mining, where you have a ton of dud asteroids, and "seams" of minerals throughout. Would require a nice little fleet to do it efficiently, with scouts up ahead looking for nice ore veins amongst common minerals like veld/scord or purely empty asteroids. I love the idea of finding crashed mining ships on some asteroids, only scan-able at close range, that have a cargohold full of randomised minerals/2% chance of phat lewt/etc, and maybe the odd pirate base amongst the asteroids - kinda like accidentally stirring up a hornets' nest. The potential for emergent play in this alone is amazing when you think about it.
c) Considering the recent pirate clothes released with Rhea, I would looooooove to see a total overhaul of the pirate factions and how you can interact with them. The potential for entirely new missions and status and gameplay is staggering; imagine being able to join a pirate faction, and be able to legitimately shoot anyone that comes by, or being able to buy/unlock some module that changes your ship transponder, meaning that other pilots see you as no more than an appropriately-sized red cross... in an asteroid field.. just floating there (oh and not having the other npcs shoot at you too). Glorious.
d) A minor thing, but one I've harped on about for a long time - change the stations visual look and feel, based on the traffic that it receives - there's already some work I saw the art dept. had put into this before, with holographic billboards - the moar traffic, the moar adverts. I want to see this, for definite, but I salivate at the thought of a station way out in the middle of nowhere, having been stripped of unused modules and barely anything more than a hangar bay and a repairshop, with others on trade routes *looking like a trading station*, and others used for mass ship storage *looking like they hold thousands of ships*, and others still that're mainly used for cargo/mineral storage *looking like they hold that stuff*. The art assets would require changed to accommodate this, and some code that measures the activity and adjust stuff accordingly over a period of a month or so, maybe even with (de)construction "work" going on outside the station to intimate that the station is going through a prioritisation change. Now, imagine Jita 4-4. Gargantuan; heaving ports belching forth ships of different sizes (battleship and up coming out of a different exit to ships smaller than that, because it makes sense), millions of lights studding the hull with obvious observation areas and defensive structures outshone by advertising billboards both NPC and corp/alliance-bought (maybe even alliance-submitted out-of-game and verified as cool to be shown, with players on high bandwidth internets being able to opt-in to download them automagically if they're within range of it), and NPC activity to bolster the notion of it being a massive port. One can dream, eh? ;)
e) Silly little minigames, maybe even similar to the hacking stuff already in the game and such, that can be played either alone or with fleetmates. Two-player Snake, card games, etc etc. Some sort of framework that perhaps even players could submit content for. Sitting for two hours, waiting for something to happen - it's an accepted part of EVE, and that's cool, but there should be some encouragement to keep players interacting within EVE, instead of sitting with it alt-tabbed and playing something else while you listen to voice comms for the call to action.. ;)
3) Others have answered this more knowledgeably than I.
4) See 2). |